Friday, June 11, 2010

15 weeks

I know that I'm a day late writing this, but yesterday was a whirlwind of a day! I had a very full day at work, followed by a doctor's appointment. I was so anxious--I didn't know if I was going to get good news or bad news! When the doctor walked in, she said, "How are you feeling?" I said, "Nervous." She asked why, and I told her about the spotting I had had. So she said, "Let's take a look." and as soon as she put the ultrasound wand on my abdomen, we saw you moving around. I had tears in my eyes--I've never been so relieved! You had your legs crossed (making sure I wouldn't be tempted to ask if you were a boy or a girl, huh?!), and your arms were wiggling. You're measuring a little small now (4 days behind, no big deal), but I think her measurements were off because your legs were crossed. I also heard your heartbeat at a strong 144 bpm. I also got confirmation that the little "bubbles" and "flutters" I feel are in fact YOU!

I can not describe how I felt last night--like I was floating on air. I went in prepared for the worst, and got the best. Praise God!

Then I went home and shared the news with a lot more of my family and friends. Everyone is so excited about your coming--but Daddy, Bebe, and I are the most!!

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